Evolution Medicine: Meditations
Evolution Medicine
heart star meditation- the language of light

heart star meditation- the language of light

The cost of taking sides

Dear Listeners,

Taking sides is ramping up in incomprehensible ways these days. Stories are trickling back about people being asked, directly, even minors (?!) regarding what side they are on, who they support or hate. Pick a topic, people are asked. It is extreme and I am not sure it is slowing down any time soon. Politics firmly established this pattern in the US and Europe, the war in Europe stepped it up last year, the war this month in the Middle East felt like a pile-on. Whats next? I don’t know, but when I see a trend, I think “adjust.”


It is unfortunate, taking sides in my opinion generates a split which ultimately becomes internalized within (eg: you can’t talk to that person any more because of X; if you don’t join us in Y you must be with Z- bleh!). Phrased that way, it sounds tribal, maybe it is. If so, that terribly old pattern of human organization tends to exercise it self in primitive ways- the kind that lacks wisdom and operates from survival.

Taking sides means living in a split, runs the risk of generating a war within. I suggest union within, blending, harmony. That sounds strangely revolutionary. Can you imagine your delicate and refined neuro-endocrine system working in a battle field? The cost is extreme burn out or life itself.

It is an unsustainable state of being.

When I see/meet/read about people existing/dwelling/operating from, for periods of time, rage or fear, I reflect on the havoc stress has on hormone levels, immune system and the ability to assimilate nutrients (see above link for article). It might sound as if I’m exaggerating, however people are losing sleep and appetite over public issues, they are losing friends, burning with resentments… some are understandable. The flip side is that intense emotions form a lock-box that is hard to exit. Lets call it an infinite loop.

It is challenging to change the world, so this blurb today is to help those who want to take action in a more accessible way- within themselves. Below are a few suggestions as to where you may begin when rebalancing the nervous system. With practice these suggestions can support improved sleep, reduced anxiety, promote clearer thoughts (improved concentration)… while the world convulses.

Do what you are able to do.

Starting small is fine, when you can build it up. As you increase frequency, apply a diversity of tools, maybe rotate them if bored. Improving stress tolerance = that magic word-resilience. Start with 5 or 10 minutes a day. Keep it small. Begin with “tiny little power moves” that lead to a path of regaining the self.

  • first step: review what can be subtracted/added to your environment, is it light pollution (use an eye mask), noise pollution (use ear plugs), stopping the 24hour news cycle, limiting exposure from a person, screen free hours, or if stuck indoors do you need more time outside, if isolated would it help to meet a friend for a walk or coffee … once you do that, consider below actions

  • today’s meditation, a journey to a peaceful place within

  • consider finishing off your shower with a half or full minute of cold (only) water, or dip your hands and/or feet in cold water (50 degrees!). this can help improve your body’s polyvagal tone (tone the vagus nerve which governs rest and relax, needed in multiple system functioning). Read more on polyvagal here and here

  • consider Dr Weil’s 4-7-8 breath which helps improve sleep, reduce stress, reduced blood pressure

  • consider dietary changes such as reducing caffeine/stopping after 1pm, stopping sugars/ fried and/or processed foods, incorporate more fruits, veggies, lean meats (within dietary restrictions) so your body has proper nutrition and energy to face the day- instead of pouring sludge into your gas tank, chose quality fuel

  • take mini-breaks during the day, practice a 5 minute meditation every morning or night

  • take a deep sigh before speaking, answering the phone, responding to an email or text so you may ‘arrive’ before jumping into something new

  • review the recommendations for sleep hygiene, in my work I find improving sleep at night helps a person face stress with more reserve, consider stopping alcohol and nicotine amongst other substances that disregulate or disrupt sleep

  • don’t skip breakfast or lunch any more (and substitute it with coffee or a cigarettes!)… I’m surprised how many people do this, it needs to be said

  • step outside in the morning and let in the sun, or light (if a cloudy day) to illuminate your face

  • its not just woo woo: finds ways to express gratitude even about the smallest things like a parking space that made your journey easier, thank someone, pray, write in a gratitude journal, read more- here

I remain hopeful- that each of us has the capacity to find peace within. With so much divisiveness surrounding us, inside seems the most accessible place to begin. Do it like a farmer cultivating a longtime owned patch of land- which is you.

If you find this useful, consider joining (emails are 1-2 times a month, there isn’t time for more than that these days). Please share it widely- see buttons below. I appreciate your listen and the number of downloads are well past 3k!

Hope is needed in this world, we can spread it one person at a time.

And don’t forget, take care of yourself! SL


some northeast fall foliage…

Evolution Medicine: Meditations
Evolution Medicine
this podcast explores an integrative approach to self-healing.