Evolution Medicine: Meditations
Evolution Medicine
meditation on crystalline sparks of light

meditation on crystalline sparks of light

Press Your Thumb on the Scale

Dear Listeners,

You might have noticed things are still ramping up, not only pertaining to the election, but a host of other social and economic issues. Pressure builds, speed picks up, and peoples nerves are getting worn.

In the midst of this, this month (and possibly quarter year) feels like a pivot. An opportunity to take action towards a novel direction which on one hand- may need a dose of courage and bold action… on the other hand- invites a softness desperately lacking in society. The latter seems to reveal itself when outmoded patterns shed themselves and the heart unfolds. This is a challenging but not impossible task as we wade through the weather fronts of fear and anger. The same old way doesn’t look like it will end well.

Alternatively, this pivot can be seen as a gentle invitation to not hold back. From what? Who you are, as a fully engaged human, becoming the person who can take right action in the most loving manner… towards oneself (first) then others. And do it, no matter what.

‘Not holding back,’ as I see it, emerges from a clear dialogue between you and yourself- on the deepest imaginable levels.

Don’t forget to remove others from this equation, they wind up creating static in the process, and distracts from purpose (or other essential expressions). Not holding back is in a way- letting go, becoming an unfiltered you. Filters are misperceptions, or judgement about oneself/others and trace back to parents. This is not to blame them (they had their own inheritances) but serves to identify origin, context and all aspects of self that get trapped in this web of thoughts.

It is up to us to identify agency within and decide what to do with the information we learn (eg; what happens when we step step outside of an old paradigm? What can be done from this new space? Right now, not tomorrow, not next week.)

While the world goes through its fluctuations, consider this an opportunity to squirrel away/build habits that cultivate peace, stability and/or clarity within. Leaving a margin for this ‘state of being’ makes it easier to navigate the terrain of thoughts and feelings out there… and within.

The meditation in today’s post invites you to find this place within. Consider sharing this post with one person. More often than we realize, others seek peace and don’t know where to start. Lets yourself embody the change you wish to see manifest around you. One step at a time. SL

Evolution Medicine: Meditations
Evolution Medicine
this podcast explores an integrative approach to self-healing.